Thursday, February 21, 2008

Trash The Dress Video

Trash The Dress Photography sessions are being extremely popular. So when my good friend Darbi asked if I wanted to go along with her and her assistant Paige to take pictures of her good friend Tisha "trashing her dress," I jumped at the chance.

We went to several locations around Columbia, Mo: a junkyard, an alley, a tunnel on the Mizzou campus, a construction site, railroad tracks, and Steak N' Shake...a girl has to eat (plus those were some of my favorite pictures from the day).

This was the first video I attempted to edit together artisticly while including the fabulous photos taken by Miss Darbi Gibson of Darbi G. Photography. Prepare to see many more pictures in my videos from this very good photog. This video also uses a song from a Columbia band called Confident Years (the singer is the hubby of the bride in the video).

I used my Canon Optura 20 Mini DV camera that my parents bought for me while I was in's not the camera, it's how you use it. It was insanely hot the day we taped (July 2007), but I would do it again in a heartbeat.

I never thought I would "trash" my wedding dress, but after seeing how great Tisha's photos came out, I'm totally on board.

Enjoy the video.

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